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    La Zarra - Évidemment

    Pripremite disko kugle! La Zarra donosi holivudski glamur na Euroviziju.

    La Zara je samouka glazbenica. Ona spaja stil Audrey Hepburn i Marilyn Monroe, sa zdravom dozom osjećaja za tragediju Édith Piaf. Za bolji prizvuk njezinih pjesama je dodan dio postmodernizma Lady Gage. Rezultat? Bezvremenska pariška disko kraljica.


    Mon cœur, mes mains, mes yeux, mes reins
    Plus rien ne m'appartient
    J'me fais du mal pour
    Faire du bien
    J'oublie comme si c'n'était rien
    Dans mon jardin d'enfer
    Poussent des fleurs
    Que j'arrose de mes rêves de mes pleurs
    On a beau être sur le toit du monde
    On ne peut toucher le ciel du doigt
    Toutes ces belles promesses que j'entends
    C'n'est que du vent
    Car après l'beau temps vient la pluie
    C'est c'qu'on oublie
    C'est toujours trop beau pour être vrai
    Mais c'n'est jamais trop laid pour être faux
    Elle ne s'ra plus jamais la même
    Cette fille d'avant
    Je vends demain, j'rachète hier
    Le temps est assassin
    Je cherche l'amour
    Je n'trouve rien
    Comme dans mon sac à main
    Dans ma tête c'nest pas tant évident
    Je recherche la vérité
    Tout en l'évitant
    On a beau être sur le toit du monde
    On ne peut toucher le ciel du doigt
    Toutes ces belles promesses que j'entends
    C'n'est que du vent
    Elle ne s'ra plus jamais la même
    Cette fille d'avant
    Car moi je chante
    Ma vie la vôtre
    Et un peu de romance
    Je suis nue devant vous
    Donnez-moi donc une chance
    De vous à moi
    De moi à vous
    Ai-je réussi à chanter
    A chanter la Grande France
    C'est toujours trop beau pour être vrai mais
    C'n'est jamais trop laid pour être faux
    Elle ne s'ra plus
    Jamais la même
    Cette fille d'avant
    My heart, my hand, my eyes, my hips
    Nothing's mine anymore
    I kill myself
    To give them life
    And act like it was nothing
    In my hell garden
    The plants are watered with the dreams and tears
    Even at the top of the highest mountain, you still can't touch the sky
    All these promises I hear are passing like the wind
    It's always quiet before the storm, don't you forget
    It's always too good to be true
    But never too ugly to be unreal
    This girl little that I was will never be the same
    I trade my future, to get my past back
    But time is treacherous
    I look for love
    But never find it
    Like a lost key
    It's not clear in my head
    I want the truth
    But I keep avoiding it
    Even at the top of
    You might be on the top of the world
    Still your finger won't touch the sky
    All these promises I hear are passing like the wind
    It's always quiet before the storm, don't you forget
    It's always too good to be true
    But never too ugly to be unreal
    This girl little that I was will never be the same
    Because I sing
    My life and yours
    A little romance
    As I stand naked before you
    Give me a chance
    From you to me
    From me to you
    Didn't I succeed
    Singing the great France
    It's always too good to be true
    But never too ugly to be unreal
    This girl little that I was will never be the same
  • ge

    Lord Of The Lost - Blood & Glitter


    Ovaj žanrovski fluidan bend dolazi iz Hamburga.

    Njihov posljednji album Blood & Glitter zasjeo je na vrh njemačke ljestvice nakon samo 6 dana prednarudžbi, a njihova posljednja europska turneja potpuno je rasprodana. Kao da nastup na Eurosongu nije bio dovoljno uzbudljiv, Lord of the Lost će odmah napustiti Liverpool kako bi podržali Iron Maiden na turneji! Unatoč imidžu industrial metala, frontmen Chris Harms ima zlatno srce, usvojivši dvije mace koje su pronađene napuštene na ulici u Poljskoj. Sada imaju vrlo sretan život u Hamburgu.


    Blood and glitter
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    What we are is but a choice
    A promise to ourselves
    We are free to break and change
    Never forget? Let it go
    This or that? No need to know
    Whether above or below
    We are all from the same blood
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    Blood and glitter
    Saint and sinner
    We do fall before we rise
    Now go, go
    Let your blood flow, flow
    With broken wings we'll learn to fly
    We are blood and glitter
     Keep your head up in the clouds
    With two feet on the ground
    Life's too fast so make it count
    Never forget? Let it go
    This or that? No need to know
    Whether above or below
    We are all from the same blood
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    Blood and glitter
    Saint and sinner
    We do fall before we rise
    Now go, go
    Let your blood flow, flow
    With broken wings we'll learn to fly
    We are blood and glitter
    Oh, oh
    Let your blood flow
    Blood and glitter
    Oh, oh
    Let your blood flow
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    Blood and glitter
    Sweet and bitter
    We're so happy we could die
    Blood and glitter
    Saint and sinner
    We do fall before we rise
    Now go, go
    Let your blood flow, flow
    With broken wings we'll learn to fly
    We are blood and glitter
  • ge

    Marco Mengoni - Due Vite

    Marcu ovo nije prva Eurovizija; 2013. godine talijanski pjevač završio je na 7. mjestu na natjecanju za pjesmu Eurovizije u Malmöu sa svojom pjesmom L'essenziale, prije nego što se pjesma probila na pop ljestvice diljem Europe.

    Marco je od tada doživio veliki uspjeh, a u vrijeme pisanja izdao je 7 studijskih albuma koji su 69 puta postali platinasti. Spreman da zavede Liverpool srcelomnom ljubavnom pjesmom, Marcov Due Vite je glavni singl s njegovog nadolazećeg albuma, koji je treći u trilogiji pod nazivom Materia. A za Marca nema odmora jer će nakon Eurosonga krenuti na koncerte talijanskim stadionima, uključujući veliko finale u antičkom Circus Maximusu u Rimu.


    Due Vite
    Siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo
    E non conosco ancora bene il tuo deserto
    Forse è in un posto del mio cuore                                    
    Dove il sole è sempre spento
    Dove a volte ti perdo
    Ma se voglio ti prendo
    Siamo un libro sul pavimento in una casa vuota
    Che sembra la nostra
    Il caffè col limone
    Contro l'hangover
    Sembri una foto mossa
    E ci siamo fottuti ancora una notte
    Fuori un locale
    E meno male
    Se questa è l'ultima
    Canzone e poi la luna esploderà
    Sarò lì a dirti che sbagli, ti sbagli e lo sai
    Qui non arriva la musica
    Tanto lo so che tu non dormi dormi dormi dormi dormi mai
    Che giri fanno due vite
    Siamo i soli svegli in tutto l'universo
    A gridare un po' di rabbia sopra un tetto
    Che nessuno si sente così
    Che nessuno li guarda più i film
    I fiori nella tua camera
    La mia maglia metallica
    Siamo un libro sul pavimento in una casa vuota
    Che sembra la nostra
    Persi tra le persone
    Quante parole
    Senza mai una risposta
    E ci siamo fottuti ancora una notte
    Fuori un locale
    E meno male
    Se questa è l'ultima
    Canzone e poi la luna esploderà
    Sarò lì a dirti che sbagli, ti sbagli e lo sai
    Qui non arriva la musica
    E tu non dormi
    E dove sarai? Dove vai?
    Quando la vita poi esagera
    Tutte le corse e gli schiaffi, gli sbagli che fai
    Quando qualcosa ti agita
    Tanto lo so che tu non dormi
    Spegni la luce anche se non ti va
    Restiamo al buio avvolti
    Solo dal suono della voce
    Al di là della follia che balla in tutte le cose
    Due vite guarda che disordine
    Se questa è l'ultima
    (Canzone e poi la luna esploderà) canzone
    Sarò lì a dirti che sbagli ti sbagli e lo sai
    Qui non arriva la musica
    Tanto lo so che tu non dormi, dormi, dormi, dormi, dormi mai
    Che giri fanno due vite
    Due Vite
    We're the only ones awake in the whole universe
    And I still don't know your desert well
    Maybe it's somewhere in my heart
    Where the sun never shines
    Where sometimes I lose you
    But if I want I get you
    We're a book on the floor in an empty house
    Which looks like ours
    Coffee with lemon to fight a hangover
    You look like a blurry photo
    And we screwed up one more night
    Outside a club
    And thank goodness
    If this is the last song
    And then the moon will explode
    I'll be there to tell you you're wrong
    You're wrong and you know it
    The music doesn't make it here
    I know that you don't sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep ever
    How two lives keep turning
    We're the only ones awake in the whole universe
    Shouting out a bit of our anger on a rooftop
    That no one feels this way
    That no one watches movies anymore
    The flowers in your room
    My metallic top
    We're a book on the floor in an empty house
    Which looks like ours
    Lost among people
    So many words
    Without ever an answer
    And we screwed up one more night
    Outside a club
    And thank goodness
    If this is the last song
    And then the moon will explode
    I'll be there to tell you you're wrong
    You're wrong and you know it
    The music doesn't make it here
    And you don't sleep
    And where will you be?
    Where are you going?
    When life then goes too far
    All the running, the fighting, the mistakes you make
    When something upsets you
    I know that you're not sleeping
    Turn off the light even if you don't feel like it
    We stay in the dark, wrapped up
    Only in the sound of the voice
    Beyond the madness that dances in all things
    Two lives, look what a mess
    If this is the last song
    And then the moon will explode
    I'll be there to tell you you're wrong
    You're wrong and you know it
    The music doesn't make it here
    I know that you don't sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep ever
    How two lives keep turning
  • ge

    Blanca Paloma - EAEA

    Zvuk Španjolske ide na Euroviziju, kroz glas Blance Paloma.

    Eaea je pjesma bogata zvukovima inspiriranim flamencom i sinkopiranim ritmovima, što je u skladu s Blancinim zaštitnim znakom stila miješanja tradicionalnog s avangardnim i modernim popom. Pjevačica iz Elchea trenutno snima svoj debi album. Blanca je kao dijete uzgajala patku u svojoj kadi.


    YA EA EA
    YA EA EA
    Ay ven a mí niño mío.
    Ay ven a mí niño mío,
    Duerme a mi vera.
    Que en mi pecho hay abrigo,
    Abriguito pa´ tus penas.
    Lagrimitas del nilo
    Noches en vela
    Mi niño, cuando me muera
    Que me entierren en la luna
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Toas las noches menos una (Ole!)
    Ay ven a mí niño mío.
    Ay niño mío, chiquito mío
    Chiquito de mis amores.
    Que en la noche me iluminan
    Tus ojos soles.
    Lagrimitas del nilo
    Noches en vela
    Mi niño, cuando me muera
    Que me entierren en la luna
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Y toas las noches te vea
    (Vamos allá la Blanca Paloma!)
    Mi niño, cuando me muera
    Que me entierren en la luna
    Y toas las noches te vea
    Toas las noches menos una
    Lagrimitas del nilo
    Noches en vela
    Ya ea
    Ya ea
    Oh, come to me, child of mine
    Oh, come to me, child of mine
    Sleep by my side
    Because in my chest there's a shelter
    A little shelter for your grief
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Little tears from the Nile, sleepless nights
    My child, when I die
    May they bury me in the moon
    So that I'll see you every night
    So that I'll see you every night
    So that I'll see you every night
    Every night but one
    Oh, come to me, child of mine (oh child of mine, kid of mine)
    Kid of my loves
    Whose eyes like a Sun
    Illuminate me at night
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Little tears from the Nile, sleepless nights
    My child, when I die
    May they bury me in the moon
    So that I'll see you every night
    So that I'll see you every night
    So that I'll see you every night
    My child, when I die
    May they bury me in the moon
    So that I'll see you every night
    Every night but one
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Little tears from the Nile, sleepless nights
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
    Ya ea ea, Ya ea ea
  • ge

    TVORCHI - Heart Of Steel

    Aktualni pobjednik Ukrajina šalje duo TVORCHI da obrane titulu na Eurosongu.

    Jeffery i Andrii, dva prijatelja koji su se upoznali na sveučilištu. U godinama otkako su počeli zajedno snimati, par je izdao 4 albuma, a svaki od njih zauzeo je prvo mjesto glavne ukrajinske glazbene ljestvice. Njihov posljednji album, ROAD , čak je potukao Kanyea Westa i Drakea na prvo mjesto i skupio više od 3 milijuna streamova. Kao što se moglo očekivati, Heart Of Steel govori o hrabrosti. Tim kaže kako pjesma govori o tome da budete slobodni u svojim postupcima, izrazima i mislima te da nastavite dalje bez obzira na to koliko ste iscrpljeni i ranjeni.


    Heart Of Steel
    Sometimes gotta let it go
    Sometimes gotta look away
    Sometimes you just gotta know
    When to stick your middle finger up in the air
    I cannot explain
    Tell you how I feel
    Life is just a game
    And I'm playing for the win
    Don't be scared to say just what you think
    Cause' no matter how bad, someone's listening
    Don't care what you say
    Don't care how you feel
    Get out of my way
    Cos I got a heart of steel
    Don't care what you say…
    Or how you feel….
    Oh I got a heart of steel
    You just like to act a fool
    Trynna get in my head like
    When I turn on my headlights
    I can see right through you
    Trynna get a reaction
    I just hit the action move
    Незважаючи на біль [despite the pain]
    Я продовжую свій бій [I continue my fight]
    Світ палає, а ти дій [the world is on fire, and you act]
    Don't be scared to say just what you think
    Cause' no matter how bad, someone's listening
    Don't care what you say
    Don't care how you feel
    Get out of my way
    Cos I got a heart of steel
    Don't care what you say…
    Or how you feel….
    Oh I got a heart of steel
    Don't care what you say…
    Or how you feel….
    Oh I got a heart of steel
  • ge

    Mae Muller - I Wrote A Song (The Glory)

    Ujedinjeno kraljestvo
    Mae je 25-godišnja pjevačica i tekstopisac iz Londona koja piše pop glazbu.

    Svoju pjesmu I Wrote A Song za Euroviziju napisala je zajedno s Lewisom Thompsonom, tekstopiscem Karen Poole. Mae piše vlastitu glazbu od svoje 8. godine, a kao tinejdžerica je radila u pubu kada je sklopila prvi izdavački ugovor. Mae je od tada izdala dva EP-a, dobila milijune pregleda na YouTubeu i TikToku. Godine 2022. Mae je bila nominirana za MTV EMA i VMA nagrade, a 2023. bit će objavljen njezin nadolazeći debi album.


    I Wrote A Song
    When you said you were leavin'
    To work on your mental health
    You didn't mention the cheating
    You kept that one to yourself.
    I got so mad was gonna
    Cuss you out, outside your house
    For everyone to see.
    Wanted to trash your Benz
    Tell all your friends
    How cruel you were to me.
    Instead I wrote a song
    Bout how you did me wrong
    I could have cried at home
    And spent the night alone.
    Instead I wrote a song
    I feel much better now
    Me and my girls are out
    And we all sing along.
    Instead I wrote a song.
    Instead I wrote a song.
    I kept my cool and composure
    My mother would be so proud
    I was ready for a sentence baby
    Instead I wrote it all down.
    Oh I was gonna
    Cuss you out, outside your house
    For everyone to see.
    Wanted to trash your Benz
    Tell all your friends
    How cruel you were to me.
    Instead I wrote a song
    Bout how you did me wrong
    I could have cried at home
    And spent the night alone.
    Instead I wrote a song
    I feel much better now
    Me and my girls are out
    And we all sing along.
    Instead I wrote a song.
    Instead I wrote a song.
    Let's celebrate
    Dance it away
    I thought my heart would break...
    Instead I wrote a song
    Bout how you did me wrong
    I could have cried at home
    And spent the night alone.
    Instead I wrote a song
    I feel much better now
    Me and my girls are out
    And we all sing along.
    Instead I wrote a song.