Prva polufinalna večer

  • ge

    TuralTuranX - Tell Me More

    Ne događa se često da umjetnik može reći da je njihov prvi veliki nastup bio Eurosong, ali blizanci Tural i Turan Baghmanov uskoro će to moći.

    Dječaci su oduvijek voljeli glazbu, a pod utjecajem oca od malih nogu odlučili su osnovati bend - The Red Jungle. Tijekom vrhunca pandemije COVID-19 pokazalo se da je teško pronaći nastupe, pa su braća, bez prilike za nastupe u koncertnim dvoranama, odlučila učiniti svijet svojom pozornicom. Krenuli su na trgove i parkove Bakua, nastupajući na ulicama i privlačeći svoju publiku. Inspirirani glazbom i stilovima 60-ih i 70-ih, dečki su se prijavili za predstavljanje Azerbejdžana na Euroviziji “jednostavno da pokušaju, jer sreća je naklonjena hrabrima.” Svakako da. Blizanci su izabrani s njihovom pjesmom Tell Me More, koju su napisali zajedno s prijateljima Nihadom Aliyevom i Tunarom Taghiyevom.


     Tell Me More 
    Tell me more about me,
    You, us
    Tell me you love me, baby
    More than I trust
    And I just want to know
    How do you feel about us
    Right now
    I don’t know if I’m someone or someone is me
    I’m running from fate I’m giving up my dream
    And I’m carrying all the pain
    All the sorrow that’s in vain
    That’s my way of staying sane
    On this sad and lonely train
    I shout it from the hills up high
    I’ve nothing – only tears to cry
    If I ever fall again like the way I did
    I’ll die from the emotions I bottled up for years, baby
    Tell me more about me
    You, us
    Tell me you love me, baby
    More than I trust
    And I just want to know
    How do you feel about us
    Right now
    I want to buy land a thousand miles away
    From the city that I’ve never even chosen
    I think the reason why is
    All because of people who treat you like a fool
    And make you wonder 'bout the reason
    Time and again I'm passing by the streets
    And the places that we used to go to
    We thought we’d be back
    But we never ever did
    The distance between you and me is more and more
    Let me tell you one thing, baby
    Coz It may change your thoughts about it
    You won’t need to worry again
    So let me tell you, if you’re ready
    Hear me out, baby: let’s go crazy
    I got something you are looking for
    And that is love
    Tell me more about me
    You, us
    Tell me you love me, baby
    More than I trust
    And I just want to know
    How do you feel about us
    Right now
  • ge

    Let 3 - Mama ŠČ!

    Let 3 dolaze iz Rijeke, rodnog mjesta hrvatske punk scene, gdje su brzo stekli reputaciju spajanjem energičnih nastupa sa umjetnošću, društvenim komentarima, pretjeranom teatralnošću i čudnim kostimima.

    Frontmen Zoran Prodanović (Prlja) započeo je u bendu Umjetnici Ulice, prije nego što se udružio s bas gitaristom Damirom Martinovićem (Mrle) i osnovao Let 2 1986. godine (koji je na kraju prerastao u Let 3 kada im se pridružio još jedan član). Ova mnogima omiljena grupa objavila je 10 albuma, od kojih je jedan brzo rasprodan. Zanimljivo je to što je ploča bila potpuno prazna. Bend je u Hrvatskoj poznat po svojim provokativnim nastupima i nije im strano šokirati publiku golim nastupima... ne sumnjamo da hrvatski emiter HRT s dečkima pažljivo provjerava pravila Eurovizije.


    Mama kupila traktora ŠČ!
    Mama kupila traktora ŠČ!
    Mama kupila traktora
    Trajna nina armagedonona ŠČ!
    Mama kupila traktora ŠČ!
    Mama kupila traktora ŠČ!
    Mama kupila traktora
    Trajna nina armagedonona ŠČ!
    A b c č ć d dž…….
    Mama ja se idem igrat
    Rat rat rat
    Mama idem u rat
    Mama ljubila morona ŠČ!
    Mama ljubila morona ŠČ!
    Mama ljubila morona
    Trajna nina armagedonona ŠČ!
    A B C Č Ć D DŽ Đ E F G H I J K L LJ M N NJ E F G H I J K L LJ M 
    N NJ O P R S Š T U V Z Ž…….
    Mama, mama, mama, mama
    Ja se idem igrat
    Mama idem u rat
    Onaj mali psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Mali podli psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Krokodilski psihopat
    Mama idem u rat
    Onaj mali psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Mali podli psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Krokodilski psihopat
    Mama idem u rat
    Onaj mali psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Mali podli psihopat
    Rat rat rat
    Krokodilski psihopat
    Mama idem u rat.
    Mama ŠČ!
    Mommy bought the tractor ŠČ!
    Mommy bought the tractor ŠČ!
    Mommy bought the tractor
    ‘Trajna nina’ armageddon-granny ŠČ!
    Mommy kissed the moron ŠČ!
    Mommy kissed the moron ŠČ!
    Mommy kissed the moron
    ‘Trajna Nina’ armageddon-granny
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V,
    W, X, Y, Z…….
    Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy
    I'm going to play
    Mom, I'm going to war
    That little psychopath
    War war
    Evil little psychopath
    War war
    Alligator psychopath
    War war
    Mommy, I'm going to war
    Mommy kissed the moron ŠČ!
    Mommy kissed the moron ŠČ!
    Mommy kissed the moron
    ‘Trajna Nina’ armageddon-granny
    That little psychopath
    War war war
    Evil little psychopath
    War war war
    Alligator psychopath
    Mommy, I'm going to war
    Mommy, mommy, mommy
  • ge

    Vesna - My Sister's Crown

    Vesna je ženski bend koji vodi hvaljena pjevačica i tekstopisac Patricia Kaňok.

    Svoj debi album, Pátá bohyně (Peta božica) objavili su tijekom koncerta nadahnutog bajkom s Praškim simfonijskim orkestrom. Brzo je nominiran za nagradu Anděl za 'Otkriće godine'. U jeku pandemije COVID-19, Vesna je vrijeme izolacije iskoristila za snimanje novog albuma pod nazivom Anima kojim su učvrstili svoju poziciju na pop sceni, a ujedno su zadržali svoj osebujni folk soul i sanjivost. Bend je postigao radijski hit s pjesmom Na Dračích Perutích (Na krilima zmaja). U veljači 2022. Vesna se pridružila drugim češkim umjetnicima na humanitarnom koncertu na Vaclavskom trgu kako bi iskazali svoju podršku Ukrajini.


     My Sister's Crown 
    Moje sestra do kouta nepůjde
    Ani tebe poslouchat nebude
    Moje sestra v srdci je divoká
    Copy zaplést, nikdy si nenechá
    Moje sestra do kouta nepůjde
    Ani tebe poslouchat nebude
    My sister's crown
    Don't take it down
    Don't take it down
    Nobody has right to do it
    She's beautiful
    And capable
    She is her own queen
    And she will prove it
    You can take your hands back
    No one wants more boys dead
    We're not your dolls
    We're not your dolls
    Life's not a moneybag
    Blood's on your God's head
    You can't steal our souls
    You can't steal our souls
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    My sister's crown
    Don't take it down
    Дай ръка не се страхувай
    С другите сестри поплувай
    В морето ни нямаме място за тези омрази
    Пази, пази
    Не тъгувай
    Хоп троп момите не са нон-стоп на разположение
    Ти просто че сме сестри до край знай!
    You can take your hands back
    No one wants more boys dead
    We're not your dolls
    We're not your dolls
    Life's not a moneybag
    Blood's on your God's head
    You can't steal our souls
    You can't steal our souls
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    My sister's crown
    Don't take it down
    My sister's crown
    Don't take it down
    All the sisters of the world
    Come together with a prayer
    Choose love over power
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива (My sister's crown)
    Ой ти сильна (Don't take it down)
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива (My sister's crown)
    Ой ти сильна (Don't take it down)
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива (My sister's crown)
    Ой ти сильна (Don't take it down)
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Сестро красива (My sister's crown)
    Ой ти сильна (Don't take it down)
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Jsme v srdcích s tebou
    We stand for you
    My Sister's Crown 
    My sister won’t stand in the corner,
    Nor will she listen to you.
    My sister, wild at heart,
    Will never let you tie her down.
    My sister won’t stand in the corner,
    Nor will she listen to you.
    My sister’s crown
    Don’t take it down
    Don’t take it down
    Nobody has right to do it.
    She’s beautiful
    And capable
    She is her own Queen
    And she will prove it.
    You can take your hands back!
    No one wants more boys dead.
    We’re not your dolls
    We’re not your dolls!
    Life’s not a moneybag,
    Blood’s on your God’s head
    You can’t steal our souls
    You can’t steal our souls
    My beautiful sister,
    You are so strong,
    Brave and the only one.
    The crown is yours.
    Give me your hand,
    Don’t be afraid.
    Come swim with your sisters,
    There’s no place for hate in our sea.
    Don’t be sad.
    Hop trop
    These girls ain’t here for you nonstop.
    Remember we’re sisters till the end!
    You can take your hands back!
    No one wants more boys dead.
    We’re not your dolls
    We’re not your dolls!
    Life’s not a moneybag,
    Blood’s on your God’s head
    You can’t steal our souls
    You can’t steal our souls.
    My beautiful sister,
    You are so strong,
    Brave and the only one.
    The crown is yours.
    All the sisters of the world,
    Come together with a prayer:
    My beautiful sister,
    You are so strong
    Brave and the only one.
    The crown is yours.
    My beautiful sister,
    You are so strong,
    Brave and the only one.
    The crown is yours.
    My beautiful sister,
    You are so strong,
    Brave and united.
    In our hearts, we are with you.
    We stand for you.
  • ge

    Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha

    Reper, pjevač i tekstopisac Käärijä ima reputaciju po energičnim nastupima bez majice koje je sam opisao kao: 'To je ludnica, to je zabava!'

    Podrijetlom iz Vantaae u Finskoj, Käärijä se bavi glazbom od 2014. godine - objavio je svoj debi album Fantastista 2020. godine. Za eksperimentalnog repera sve je u prkošenju žanrovima. U svom eurovizijskom nastupu Cha Cha Cha, on spaja rap, elektronsku glazbu, metal i šlager, s izvedbom koja uključuje ples u dvorani, neonsko zelenu bolero jaknu i puno, puno drvenih paleta. Pjesmu je napisao s dvojicom prijatelja: multiplatinastim producentom i tekstopiscem Johannesom 'Kirom' Naukkarinenom i producentom Aleksijem Nurmijem.


    Cha Cha Cha 
    Rankka viikko ja paljon pitkii päiviä takan,
    Mielenkiintona piña colada ja rata,
    Ilta on vielä nuori ja aikaa kumota,
    Tää jäinen ulkokuori on aika tuhota
    Pidän kaksin käsin kiinni juomista niinku
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    En mieti huomista ku tartun tuopista niinku,
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    Haluun olla sekasin ja vapaa huolista niinku
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    Ja mä jatkan kunnes en enää pysy tuolissa niinku
    Muutama piña colada on jo takana,
    Silti mul on vielä naamataulu vakava, yeah yeah ye ye yeh
    Ilta on vielä nuori ja aikaa kumota,
    Tää jäinen ulkokuori on aika tuhota,
    Parketti kutsuu mua ku en oo enää lukossa,
    Niinku cha cha cha mä oon tulossa
    Pidän kaksin käsin kiinni juomista niinku,
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    En mieti huomista ku tartun tuopista niinku,
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    Haluun olla sekasin ja vapaa huolista niinku,
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, ei
    Ja mä jatkan kunnes en enää pysy tuolissa niinku vou,
    Nyt lähden tanssimaan niinku cha cha cha cha enkä pelkääkään tätä maailmaa,
    Niinku cha cha cha kun mä kaadan päälleni samppanjaa,
    Cha cha cha toinen silmä jo karsastaa, ja puhe sammaltaa ku tää toinen puoli must vallan saa,
    Cha cha cha en oo arkena tää mies laisinkaan, en oo mut tänään oon se mies, tänään oon se mies
    Nyt lähden tanssimaan niinku cha cha cha, enkä pelkääkään tätä maailmaa,
    Niinku cha cha cha, kun mä kaadan päälleni samppanjaa,
    Niinku cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha aa-aah
    Niinku cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
     Cha Cha Cha 
    This exhausting week and the many long days are behind
    There’s only bar and piña colada on my mind
    There is some time for a few, the night is still youngish
    This icy shell is something I have to demolish
    Holding on the drinks with both hands tied on them like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    There’s no tomorrow when I grab a pint tightly like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    Wanna mess my head up and to free my mind of fear like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    And I stay on this seat until I have to climb off it like a
    A couple piña coladas I have devoured
    Yet the expression I have on my face is sour, yeah yeah ye ye yeh
    There is some time for a few, the night is still youngish
    This icy shell is something I have to demolish
    The floor is calling me when I’m no longer so frozen
    Like a cha cha cha I am approachin’
    Holding on the drinks with both hands tied on them like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    There’s no tomorrow when I grab a pint tightly like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    Wanna mess my head up and to free my mind of fear like a
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha, no
    And I stay on this seat until I have to climb off it like a whoa
    I head towards the dance floor
    Like a cha cha cha
    And this world ain’t making me scared no more
    Like a cha cha cha
    When Champagne all over myself I pour
    Cha cha cha
    One eye keeps turning crossed too far
    And talking is so hard when this different side of me does its part
    Cha cha cha
    I don’t usually go and drop my guard, not me
    But now I am that guy, now I am that guy
    I head towards dance floor
    Like a cha cha cha
    And this world ain’t making me scared no more
    Like a cha cha cha
    When Champagne all over myself I pour
    Like a cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha aa-aah
    Like a cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
    Cha cha cha cha cha cha cha
  • ge

    Wild Youth - We Are One

    Osnovan u Dublinu 2018. godine, ovaj bend se satoji od 4 prijatelja koji kombinira rock s privlačnim pop harmonijama. Njihovi energični nastupi doveli su do niza hitova- što je cilj svake pop grupe.

    Ako ih niste vidjeli kako nastupaju na televiziji, možda ste ih vidjeli kako prate megazvijezde na turneji; zagrijavali su publiku za Nialla Horana, Lewisa Capaldija i Zaru Larson. Frontmen Conor O'Donohoe ima strastven vokal i piše većinu pjesama benda; David Whelan preuzima ključeve; Edward Porter rifove na gitari; a Callum McAdam svira bubnjeve. Wild Youth je osvojio svoje mjesto da predstavlja Irsku kroz Late Late Show, boreći se sa žestokom konkurencijom.


     We Are One 
    We take our first breath and then we exhale,
    Then we give it all we got until we fail,
    We get back up again we take a look around,
    Oh life can be a long road but at least we're not alone.
    We might be different, we might be unique,
    You might be a leader, I might be a freak,
    And we might be different but under the falling sun,
    We are one!
    We are one!
    When we rise, we rise like the sun,
    When we go down, we go down,
    We go down, we go down.
    We take our first step and then we fall,
    But still we keep on, going climbing every wall,
    We keep on fighting, turning every stone,
    And life can be a long road, at least we're not alone.
    We might be different, we might be unique,
    You might be a leader, I might be a freak,
    And we might be different but under the falling sun.
    We are one!
    We are one!
    When we rise, we rise like the sun,
    When we go down, we go down,
    We go down, we are one.
    We might be different, we might be unique (we are one),
    You might be a leader I might be a freak (we are one),
    And we might be different but under the falling sun,
    We are one!
    We might be different, we might be unique (we are one),
    You might be a leader, I might be a freak,
    When we rise, we rise like a sun,
    When we go down, we go down, we go down, we go...
    We are one!
  • ge

    Noa Kirel - Unicorn

    Svjetlo pozornice nisu ništa novo za Nou. Ona je pop zvijezda i glumica koja je imala vlastitu TV seriju. Noa je i sutkinja u 'Music School' i 'Israel Got Talent', gdje je poznata po tome da publiku počasti spontanim nastupima.

    Ne želeći gubiti vrijeme, izdala je svoj debitantski singl sa 14 godina i potpisala ugovor s Atlantic Recordsom kada je imala 18 godina. Od tada je prikupila dovoljno nagrada i trofeja da dvostruko napuni vitrinu. Među njima je i 'Best Israeli Act' na MTV Europe Music Awards. U ljeto 2022. Noa je nastupila pred 35 000 ljudi u Tel Avivu na svom velikom koncertu u parku - prvom za nekog mladog izraelskog umjetnika. Izraelska televizijska kuća bila je toliko sigurna u odabir Noe da predstavlja zemlju da je njihov izborni odbor za Euroviziju najavio njezino sudjelovanje 8 mjeseci prije službenog roka za prijave.


    Hey, you don’t like the way I’m talking
    Hey, so you stand there keep on call me names
    No, I’m not your enemy so
    If you’re gonna do it, don’t do it
    Hey, do you wanna check my DNA?
    Older stories, time to go away
    And believe in fairytales oh
    If you’re gonna do it….
    I’m gonna stand here like a unicorn
    Out here on my own
    I got the power of a unicorn
    Don’t you ever learn?
    That I won’t look back
    I won’t look down
    I’m going up
    You better turn around
    The power of a unicorn
    The power of a unicorn
    History caught in a loop
    Don’t you wanna change it?
    You know that we can, you and me
    Can write a new book
    Don’t you wanna change it now?
    It’s gonna be
    Phenomen-phenomen- phenomenal
    Phenomen- phenomenal
    Feminine- feminine- femininal
    I’m gonna stand here like a unicorn
    Out here on my own
    I got the power of a unicorn
    Don’t you ever learn?
    That I won’t look back
    I won’t look down
    I’m going up
    You better turn around
    The power of a unicorn
    The power of a unicorn
    It’s gonna be
    Phenomen-phenomen- phenomenal
    Phenomen- phenomenal
    An’lo kmo kulam (I’m not like everybody else)
    Mul kol ha’olam (in front of the rest of the world)
    It’s gonna be
    Phenomen-phenomen- phenomenal
    Phenomen- phenomenal
    You can call me queen
    (Hebrew): Ein li da’awin (I’m not trying to impress)
    U wanna see me dance?
    U wanna see me dance?
    U wanna see me dance?!
    Watch me!
    I’m standing like a…
  • ge

    Sudden Lights - Aijā

    Nakon pobjede u glasovanju na latvijskom izboru 'Supernova', ovaj kvartet prijatelja kreće u Liverpool sa svojom pjesmom 'Aijā'.

    Andrejs Reinis Zitmanis je glavni vokal, a Kārlis Vārtiņš svira bas, dok Kārlis Matīss Zitmanis svira na gitari, a Mārtiņš Matīss Zemītis svira bubnjeve. Ova pjesma ima duboko značenje, a napisana je na engleskom kako bi pružila riječi utjehe većem broju ljudi. Bend poručuju: 'Svjedočeći mračnim događajima u svijetu i ljudskim životima uništenim zlom, nismo mogli ostati ravnodušni.' Ali naslov pjesme je na njihovom materinjem latvijskom, s riječju za koju kažu da je nemoguće prevesti, a koja daje osjećaj latvijske narodne pjesme. Sudden Lights jedni su od najslušanijih izvođača u Latviji, a izdali su tri studijska albuma otkako su 2012.godine osnovani kao učenici glazbene škole.


    You said some words
    Didn't hear you fall asleep
    People were talking louder
    From my TV screen
    I heard them scream
    It was too dark to see
    Don't cry
    I'll try to
    Say the right words at the right times
    Sing you lullabies
    Please don't wake up wake up
    Used to think we live
    In a world so beautiful
    You see
    I think I don't believe
    In this stuff anymore
    Don't cry
    I'll try to
    Say the right words at the right times
    Sing you lullabies
    Please don't wake up wake up
    Don't cry
    I'll try to
    Say the right words at the right times
    Sing you lullabies
    Please don't wake up wake up
    Please don’t make me wake
    Don’t make me wake
    Please don’t wake up wake up
    (Latvian): Aijā, aijā, saldā miegā (Lull, lull, in sweet sleep)
    (Latvian): Aijā, aijā, saldā miegā (Lull, lull, in sweet sleep)
  • ge

    The Busker - Dance (Our Own Party)

    Bend je započeo u autobusu na ulicama Malte (kako doznajemo iz naziva benda).

    Jean Paul bio je jedan od osnivača benda, prije nego što se pridružio Sean dodajući retro saksofonsku vibru, a zatim, nakon izmjene raznih članova benda, Dav. Jr je kompletirao sastav prije tri godine. Od tada su nastupali na festivalima, predvodili velike događaje i bili na turnejama po nekoliko europskih zemalja.Ovaj bend je malo soul, malo pop, a malo funk. Njihov prepoznatljivi zvuk im je donio čast 'Najboljeg albuma godine' glazbene nagrade Lovin. Indie-pop bend pobijedio je u nacionalnom finalu Malte sa svojom pjesmom Dance (Our Own Party), pjesmom koja priča o socijalnoj anksioznosti i napuštanju zabave kako bi proveli vrijeme s prijateljima u ugodnijem okruženju.


     Dance (Our Own Party) 
    Wait now,
    Can you speak up
    It’s a little bit loud
    I’m a little bit lost
    Fogged up
    Might be the drinks
    Or the social tease
    Of anxiety
    The tension
    I’m getting
    The faces I drew on
    I can’t focus
    Should’ve known this
    When the tik gets toking I’m gone
    I feel better
    In my sweater
    Got my stereo
    I’ll play you songs you know
    But Hey,
    What you say?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    It’s on
    Yeah, we go outside
    Take the very first ride
    Try to save our night
    If you’re keen
    I got some indoor shoes
    I can offer you
    Get you in the groove
    The tension
    Is lifting
    Another moment would’ve been too much
    This the real me
    Our own Party
    Our own Party
    Our own Party
    I feel better
    In my sweater
    GaGa Radio
    Is this the song you know?
    What you say?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    I feel better
    In my sweater
    GaGa Radio
    Is this the song you know?
    But hey
    What you say?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
    Do you want to dance?
  • ge

    Pasha Parfeni - Soarele şi Luna

    Eurovizija teče kroz vene Pashe Parfenija, jer je sudjelovao u nekoliko nacionalnih izbora u Moldaviji,te kao i predstavnik Moldavije na natjecanju za pjesmu Eurovizije 2012. godine, kad je završio na 11. mjestu.

    Sljedeće godine udružio je snage sa svojom suprugom Yulianom kako bi skladao moldavsku pjesmu O Mie za Alionu Moon. Aliona je 2012. godine bila prateći vokal Pashi, a ovaj put je na eurovizijsku pozornicu on izašao kao njezina klavirska pratnja. Stihove Pashine pjesme Soarele și Luna napisala je njegova supruga i muza, Yuliana Scutaru. Pasha je također poznat po svom aktivizmu, koristeći se svojom glazbom i nastupima zalažući se za slobode.


     Soarele şi Luna 
    Codrule cu frunză deasă,
    Cred că mi-am găsit mireasă
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    Nistrule cu apă lină,
    M-am pierdut și ea-i de vină
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    I-am cântat eu doine multe
    Pân-a vrut să mă sărute ea
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    Păi, am cântat-o, am dansat-o,
    În tot felul răsfățat-o,
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    I-am promis miresei mele
    Nuntă sub un cer cu stele
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    I-am dat în a șaptea seară
    Un inel cu piatră rară
    Așa, așa, așa, așa, așa, așa
    Soarele și Luna
    Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține cununa
    Ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    I-am promis miresei mele
    Nuntă sub un cer cu stele
    I-am dat în a șaptea seară
    I-am dat în a șaptea seară
    Un inel cu piatră rară
    Soarele și Luna
    Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține cununa
    Ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
    Soarele, Soarele, Soarele și Luna
    Ne-or ține, ne-or ține, ne-or ține cununa
     Soarele şi Luna 
    Dense leaf forest,
    I think I've found my bride,
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    River Nistru with pristine water,
    I got lost, and it's only her fault
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    I sang her so many songs
    Until she wanted to kiss me
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    I sang to her, I danced with her,
    I pampered her in all sorts of ways,
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    I promised my bride
    A wedding under a starry sky
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    I gave her on the 7th evening
    I gave her on the 7th evening
    A ring with a precious stone
    Like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this
    The Sun and the Moon
    The Sun and the Moon
    Will hold our wedding crown
    Will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
    The Sun, the Sun, the Sun and the Moon
    Will hold, will hold, will hold our wedding crown
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    Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper - Burning Daylight

    Potencijal ovog nizozemskog dua uočili su pjevač i pobjednik Eurosonga 2019. godine, Duncan Laurence i njegov partner, tekstopisac Jordan Garfield, koji su spojili par.

    Četvorka je napisala pjesmu koja je impresionirala nizozemsku selekcijsku komisiju i jednoglasno su izabrani da predstavljaju Nizozemsku na natjecanju 2023. Mia je imala odrastanje prepuno satova violine i baleta, što je utabalo put njenom pop hitu Mutual Needs . Dionov rani život je doveo do uspješnih hitova s ​impresivnim brojkama streamanja, a 2021. podržao je Duncana Laurencea na turneji. Mia se neće osjećati strano u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, nakon što je provela dvije godine živeći u Londonu. Također bi se voljela udati za Harryja Stylesa. Dion pak tvrdi da svako jutro meditira ispred infracrvene ploče - gol.


     Burning Daylight 
    I don't find any joy anymore
    From the same old cycle
    Don’t know what made me happy before
    From all to zero
    Where did I go
    Between falling and running I’ve been trying to get on my feet in time
    I’ve never been good at crying always wanted to be the tough type
    I’m sorry I’m
    Just human I’m
    Losing myself
    While chasing highs
    Losing myself
    While chasing highs
    And burning daylight
    I don't believe in God anymore
    Cos where did she go
    I don't know what I’ve been looking for
    I guess a hero
    Between falling and running I’ve been trying to get on my feet in time
    I’ve never been good at crying always wanted to be the tough type
    I’m sorry I’m
    Just human I’m
    Losing myself
    While chasing highs
    And burning daylight
    I’m scared that I’m
    Falling behind
    I'm losing myself
    While chasing highs
    I’m losing myself
    While chasing highs
    And burning daylight
    Goodbye old life
    Goodbye old life
    Goodbye old life
    Goodbye old life
    Goodbye old life
    Goodbye old life
  • ge

    Alessandra - Queen Of Kings

    Alessandra je norveško-talijanska pjevačica i tekstopisac koja brzo postaje poznato ime zahvaljujući svom debitantskom singlu 'Queen of Kings', koja je skupila preko 25 milijuna streamova u vrijeme pisanja.

    Pjesma je zaživjela vlastitim životom nakon što je Alessandra trijumfirala na norveškom nacionalnom finalu Melodi Grand Prixa . Queen of Kings su napisali sama Alessandra, norveški skladatelj Henning Olerud, svjetski poznata spisateljica Linda Dale i pisac-producent Stanley Fernandez, koji je objavio pjesme sa zvijezdama Eurovizije 2021.godine TIX-om i Flo Ridom! Alessandra kaže da pjesma nosi poruku samopoštovanja i želi inspirirati slušatelje svih dobi i spolova da utjelove svoju unutarnju kraljicu kraljeva.


     Queen of Kings 
    She, queen of the kings, running so fast, beating the wind.
    Nothing in this world can stop the spread of her wings
    She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys.
    She will be the warrior of north and southern seas
    Got raven hair, it's dark as night
    Icy eyes, out of site, out of site
    Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
    Her smile awakes the northern light
    Looking out, she calls! laidadadilaida!
    Who will conquer all?
    Her name is
    She, queen of the kings, running so fast, beating the wind.
    Nothing in this world can stop the spread of her wings
    She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys.
    She will be the warrior of north and southern seas
    A firestone, forged in flames
    Wildest card, run the game, run the game
    Can't stay the same, in this world of change
    Don't fear the pain, just break the chain!
    Looking out, she calls! laidadadilaida!
    Who will conquer all?
    Her name is
    She, queen of the kings, running so fast, beating the wind.
    Nothing in this world can stop the spread of her wings
    She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys.
    She will be the warrior of north and southern seas
    Dam da da di dam da dam da di dam dam...
    Her name is
    She, queen of the kings, running so fast, beating the wind.
    Nothing in this world can stop the spread of her wings
    She, queen of the kings, broken her cage, threw out the keys.
    She will be the warrior of north and southern seas
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    Mimicat - Ai Coração

    Mimicat (inače poznata kao Marisa Mena) voli svoj duboki glas spojiti sa zaraznim melodijama u pjesmama koje piše.

    Pjeva i snima od svoje 9. godine, ali je na scenu izbila 2014. godine s izdavanjem svog debitantskog albuma For You, hvaljenog od kritike. Ova godina ima mnogo posla; osim što ide u Liverpool, izbacit će novi album, koji će sadržavati Ai Coração - njezinu pjesmu na Euroviziji koju je Mimicat napisala i koproduciraala s Luísom Pereirom. Za sve koji se pitaju, Mimicat doista ima mačku. Zovu se Brownie.


     Ai Coração
    Ai Coração que não me deixas em paz
    Não me dás sossego, não me deixas capaz
    Tenho a cabeça e a garganta num nó
    Que não se desfaz e nem assim tu tens dó
    Sinto-me tonta, cada dia pior
    Já não sei de coisas que sabia de cor
    As pulsações subiram quase pra mil
    Estou louca, completamente senil
    O peito a arder, a boca seca eu sei lá
    O que te fazer, amor pra mim assim não dá
    Porque parece que nem sou mais eu
    Ai coração, ai coração, diz-me lá se és meu
    As horas passam e o sono não vem
    Ouço as corujas e os vizinhos também
    O meu juízo foi-se e por lá ficou
    Alguém me tire deste estado em que estou
    O doutor diz que não há nada a fazer
    Caso perdido, vi-o eu a escrever
    Ando perdida numa outra dimensão
    Toda eu sou uma grande confusão
    O peito a arder, a boca seca eu sei lá
    O que te fazer, amor pra mim assim não dá
    Porque parece que nem sou mais eu
    Ai coração, ai coração, ai coração, diz-me lá se és meu
    O peito a arder, a boca seca eu sei lá
    O que te fazer, amor pra mim assim não dá
    Porque parece que nem sou mais eu
    Ai coração, ai coração, ai coração, ai coração,
    Diz-me lá se és meu
     Ai Coração 
    Oh, heart that won't let me be,
    You won't give me peace, you leave me unfit!
    My head and throat are circling around,
    That won't undo itself, and yet you feel no sympathy!
    I feel dizzy, and every day worse,
    I don't know things that I used to know!
    My pulse is racing like mad,
    I feel crazy, totally senile!
    My chest is burning, my mouth is dry,
    What’s happening to me?
    What to do love, I can't do it like this!
    Because I don't even feel like myself,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Tell me if you are mine?
    Hours go by and I can't sleep,
    I hear the owls and my neighbours too!
    My mind is gone, and it got lost in there,
    Somebody please snap me out of this!
    The doctor says there's nothing to be done,
    “Lost cause”, I saw him writing!
    I’m lost in another dimension,
    I am now a huge mess!
    My chest is burning, my mouth is dry,
    What’s happening to me?
    What to do love, I can't do it like this!
    Because I dont even feel like myself,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Tell me if you are mine?
    My chest is burning, my mouth is dry,
    What’s happening to me?
    What to do love, I can't do it like this!
    Because I don´t even feel like myself,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Oh, heart,
    Tell me if you are mine?
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    Luke Black - Samo Mi Se Spava

    Lukeov jedinstveni brend indie-techno-popa donio mu je titulu 'srpskog pop alkemičara' u očima njegovih domaćih medija, a na međunarodnoj razini dokazuje da je jedan od najtraženijih izvoznih proizvoda u svojoj zemlji.

    U posljednjih 12 mjeseci održao je i rasprodanu turneju u Kini i stvorio show u tehno-opernom stilu u berlinskom Berghainu, najpoznatijem svjetskom noćnom klubu za elektronsku glazbu. Stvarajući svježe crossover melodije, Luke koristi klasične pop utjecaje kao svoje platno koje zatim boji eksperimentalnim, elektroničkim i indie zvukovima. To odražava široki spektar njegovih utjecaja koji uključuje Queen, Eltona Johna, Stromaea, Lady Gagu, Mariju Callas i Earthu Kitt. Luke je natjeran da oblikuje vlastitu sudbinu - neumorno radi na stvaranju svoje glazbe koja je u svojoj srži autentična i kreativna s pripovijedanjem umotanim u kinematografske zvukove.


     Samo Mi Se Spava
    Baby watch the world on fire
    It is all a game to me
    I don’t wanna choose my fighter
    Who’s taking control of me?
    Samo mi se spava [I just wanna sleep]
    Spavaj [go to sleep]
    I just wanna sleep forever (s-spavaj)
    Like it better when I dream
    Želim zauvek da spavam (s-spavaj) [I just wanna sleep forever]
    Dok svet gori [while the world is burning]
    I just wanna close my eyes
    And just get it over with
    Želim zauvek da spavam (s-spavaj) [I just wanna sleep forever]
    Dok svet gori [while the world is burning]
    Noć je, beskonačni sati [in the night, the endless hours]
    Na ramenu djavoli [devil's on my shoulder]
    Želim samo večno spati [I just wanna sleep forever]
    Tako da ih pobedim [so I can power over]
    Game over
    Spavaj [go to sleep]
    (samo mi se spava) [i just wanna sleep]
    I just wanna sleep forever (s-spavam)
    Like it better when i dream
    Želim zauvek da spavam (s-spavam) [I just wanna sleep forever]
    Dok svet gori [while the world is burning]
    I just wanna close my eyes
    And just get it over with
    Želim zauvek da spavam (s-spavaj) [I just wanna sleep forever]
    Dok svet gori [while the world is burning]
    SAVEST SPAVA [the conscience is asleep]
    DOK SVET GORI [while the world is burning]
    RAZUM SPAVA [the sanity is asleep]
    DOK SVET GORI [while the world is burning]
    Spavaj [go to sleep]
    (samo mi se spava) [I just wanna sleep]
    (samo mi se spava) [I just wanna sleep]
  • ge

    Loreen - Tattoo

    Od pobjede na Euroviziji i objavljivanja revolucionarnog albuma 'Heal' (oboje 2012. godine); Loreen je očarala publiku svojim glasom, jedinstvenim umjetničkim izričajem i zadivljujućim tekstovima.

    U desetljeću nakon natjecanja u Bakuu, Loreen se nastavila umjetnički razvijati, istražujući nove načine izražavanja svoje kreativnosti; od prvog izdanja glazbe na švedskom jeziku do glumačkog debija u filmskoj adaptaciji Vintervikena. Prošle godine, pjevačica se vratila naelektriziranom popu, objavivši pjesmu Neon Lights - pjesmu o modernoj Ivani Orleanskoj. Loreen želi nastaviti koristiti glazbu kako bi izazvala svoju publiku porukama uključivanja i predstavljanja.


    I don't wanna go
    But baby we both know
    This is not our time
    It’s time to say goodbye
    Until we meet again
    Cause this is not the end
    It will come a day
    When we will find our way
    Violins playing and the angels crying
    When the stars align then I’ll be there
    No, I don't care about them all
    Cause all I want is to be loved
    And all I care about is you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    No, I don't care about the pain
    I’ll walk through fire and through rain
    Just to get closer to you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    I'm letting my hair down
    I'm taking it cool
    You got my heart in your hand
    Don't lose it my friend
    It's all that I got
    And now violins playing and the angels crying
    When the stars align then I’ll be there
    No, I don't care about them all
    Cause all I want is to be loved
    And all I care about is you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    No, I don't care about the pain
    I’ll walk through fire and through rain
    Just to get closer to you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    Oh, I don't care about them all
    Cause all I want is to be loved
    And all I care about is you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    I don't care about the pain
    I’ll walk through fire and through rain
    Just to get closer to you
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
    All I care about is love
    Oh oh oh
    All I care about is love
    You stuck on me like a tattoo
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    Remo Forrer - Watergun

    Ovaj 21-godišnjak možda je svježe lice, ali dolazi naoružan čvrstim glasnicama. Nakon djetinjstva sviranja tradicionalne narodne glazbe na harmonici u svom malom švicarskom selu Hemberg (okruženom slikovitim brežuljcima i zelenim livadama), Remo je prešao na klavir.

    S vremenom bi se mogao proslaviti svojim vještinama sviranja harmonike, ali njegovo pjevanje donijelo mu je pobjedu na The Voice of Switzerland 2020. godine. Trijumfirao je i u njemačkoj verziji glazbene emisije I Can See Your Voice . Ako obožavatelji Eurovizije misle da Watergun ima poruku, bili bi u pravu. Remo kaže: 'Trenutno smo suočeni s globalnom krizom i ratom. I moramo živjeti s posljedicama odluka koje nismo donijeli. Ali još uvijek se nadam da možemo promijeniti stvari.' Remo Forrer je pjevač s mudrim riječima.


    When we were boys
    We played pretend
    Army tanks and army men
    Hide and seek
    Grow to be the kings we dream
    Where did we go?
    We're standin' on the frontline
    Where did we go, we go?
    I don't wanna be a soldier, soldier
    I don't wanna have to play with real blood
    We ain't playin' now
    Can't turn and run
    No water guns
    No, no, I don't wanna be a soldier, soldier
    I don't wanna have to play with real blood
    'Cause we ain't playin' now
    Can't turn and run
    No water guns
    Just body bags that we've bеcome
    Adolescencе, breaking rules
    Nothin' hurts when you‘re bulletproof
    I remember, yes, I do, I do
    Where did we go?
    We're standin' on the frontline
    Where did we go, we go?
    I don't wanna be a soldier, soldier
    I don't wanna have to play with real blood
    We ain't playin' now
    Can't turn and run
    No water guns
    No, no, I don't wanna be a soldier, soldier
    I don't wanna have to play with real blood
    'Cause we ain't playin' now
    Can't turn and run
    No water guns
    Just body bags that we've become
    What we've become
    What we've become
    What we've become
    Playing with waterguns
    Not playing with waterguns